Originally hosted on Creatively Green: The Most Acceptable Spaghetti Sauce
I work as a professional firefighter, which puts me at the station for 24 hour shifts every third day. At my fire station, we’ve got 11-14 people working on a normal day, depending on students or guests or whatnot. Dinner gets cooked on a rotating schedule, so when it’s my turn to cook I want something that can feed plenty of people, reheat easily if everyone catches a run, and doesn’t taste like old sawdust. Today, we’re going to talk about the staple of firehouse meals: spaghetti. Now, I know I’m going to offend somebody’s old nonna with my recipe, but it’s something that you can slap together in the morning and let cook all day. In the oven, on the stove, in the slow cooker, it all works out in the end. First, let’s have that ingredients list. 1 – 12oz Can Tomato Paste ...